Sometimes it’s very simple: My father is a carpenter. He builds sheds. Of course he does much more than just that, yet the picture is clear.
I am a Multimedia Specialist. A vague concept at first sight. After all, how can you specialize in something that starts with ‘multi’? I will try to explain it in this blog by going more deeply into the field of multimedia and the role of a Multimedia Specialist, also known as a Multimedia Designer.
I’ve found a good definition on “Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer-controlled integration of text, graphics, drawings, still and moving images (Video), animation, audio, and any other media where every type of information can be represented, stored, transmitted and processed digitally.”
When I’m at a party and I’m asked about my profession, I usually anwer: “something with computers, websites etc.”
This response is not very sufficient…
Multimedia is a collective term and therefore hard to explain. For example: When I’m at a party and I’m asked about my profession, I usually anwer: “something with computers, websites etc.” This response is obviously not very sufficient. No wonder that I sometimes get questions about anti-virus software and why it’s not working. (My advice: buy a Mac, or install linux …)
The activities of a Multimedia Specialist can be very diverse. When I look at my fellow students of the Bachelor Communication and Multimedia Design, it occurs to me how diverse their fields of work are. Some have specialized as a cameraman, others as a game developer. There are people who design websites and there are also those who produce 3d environments.
What they all have in common: They have the same base. They all work on solutions. They can give advice or design a multimedia product in response to a question or problem. An answer that is based on a combination of research, creativity, technology and inventiveness.
When a customer comes to my father, it is often clear in advance that he would want my father to build a shed. This works fine. A multimedia specialist usually works with a different approach, since he can offer many products. Some products might not even exist untill then!
A Multimedia Specialist -most likely- wants to figure out what your goal is, and what solution fits you best. Maybe you have a short message that best happens through short, animated film. Or maybe you want to present yourself as a super hero and the multimedia specialist will built you a game.
A Multimedia Designer is not necessarily a uomo universalis as Leonardo DaVinci.
It could even just be that a multimedia designer suggests to make a book. A digital book! Not only illustrated by pictures, but dressed with interactive worlds. Rich in sound, film or whatever expresses your story even best. No matter what the final product will be, it’s always original.
Yes, a Multimedia specializes in many fields of work and no, he is not a Polymath like Leonardo DaVinci was. Although a multimedia specialist dives deeper into multiple trades, that does not necessarily mean that he is a master in those different areas.
Unlike a polymath, a Multimedia Specialist often works with graphic designers or programmers. He makes sure that most of their technique and theoretical background is known to him.
In some cases, a Multimedia Specialist will effectively invent and create a multimedia product all by himself. In most cases however, he works with a group of specialized professionals. In my case, when it comes to a website, I can design and build it. But when that website needs a reservation system, I’ll probably work with someone who has specialized in PHP and Javascript.
Think big! Multimedia Specialist can make (almost) everything! What it basically comes down to: A multimedia specialist can your story or (advertising) message uniquely convert to a modern digital product.
Those products are allways easy on all your senses and perfect applicable in your marketing or sales campaign. Are you thinking about new ways to get your message heard? Think of multimedia!